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radfrueling cover

Radfrühling 2023

published on 13.04.2023

It is no secret to anyone that Salzburg is a bike city. Biking is not only environmentally better but in Salzburg often gets you to your destination faster.

One of my favorite biking events is coming up this weekend: Rad Frühling, or as I loosely translated it: Bike Spring Fest. At the Radfrühling, you can sell and buy bikes for a very fair price; you can visit a few bike-oriented stands, my favorite being the Fanzy Bikes; you can try your luck at a built bike track, all this while listening to music and having a drink (yes, of course they sell beer, we are in Austria). 

Radfrühling takes place Friday 14th and Saturday 15th from 09:00 to 17:00. Just beware! Bike sales start on Friday at 14:00 and Saturday at 09:00. You might want to bring an umbrella or pray for good weather.

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